Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter 2011 Anime pt. 1

I got a hold of a couple first episodes from this years first batch of anime. I've tried 5 new series so far, and the first couple definitely had me concerned. It seemed like it would be a winter of ecchi ;(

Kore wa zombie desu ka?
Ecchi-tastic. It's definitely not a quality i look for in a series. The story seems to be.. lacking. For some reason series like this end up with exceptional animation quality. I'll give it one more episode.

Dragon Crisis
The world is full of powerful artifacts that are collected and sold. It definitely has potential. Animation seems solid, story is yet to be fully explained. It is definitely ecchi, but in a Chobits kind of way, so I'm hopeful :3.

Level E
From a quick Wikipedia search, this is based off of a light novel manga from a few years back. The animation is set to the source material, so it will remind you of the good'ol days. I usually don't care for comedy, i'm not even sure if this is meant to be funny, but it definitely made me laugh. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika
Hmm, not sure where to put this one. I'm definitely a fan of the art style and quick editing, it reminds me of Bakemonogatari. With that said it's still full on mahou shojou (magic girl, transform craziness), and the story doesn't seem very compelling. I'll give it at least one more.

the first few minutes threw me off... don't judge it by those! It takes place a few hundred years from now. The world has advanced to the point where people live in, what seems to be, physical isolation. Although, they mingle with others using these pseudo-digi avatars that let them go wherever they'd like. Mix in a strange girl with access to ancient data and I bet it'll be awesome ^^. I'm pretty excited to see where this goes!

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